Towing Issues: Can they do this?, little hole in the wall, chevy van


My 93 chevy van was parked in some apts next to my house for about a
year cause I had no parking at my house. I no that was not the right
thing to do but left with know other choice I did it. It was fine and set
there for over a year with know problems. The other day I went to go
pick it up cause my brother said he would take it. Well needless to say it
was gone. I contacted the police who had know answers as to its ware
abouts. I was gonna report it stolen but first I thought I better make
sure it was stolen. I called the apts and the guy informed me that he had
it towed a couple weeks before. I asked what tow yard had it and was
told it had been towed to Cave Junctions wich is an hour drive away. A
little hole in the wall town when there are at least five yards hear in
Medford where I live and the van was parked.I was never informed that it
was taken by the towe yard. When i called they told me it was 853.00 to
get it back and 30.00 a day for everyday she had it. I asked dont they
usually send a letter when they take someones car informing them that
they have it. She said yeah but she hadnt gotten around to it yet and
she was gonna start the lean paperwork but hadnt gotten around to that
either. I called backtwo days later and it had went up to 1153.50. I said
what? She said legally I can charge what ever i want. I said well when
would the van be auctioned? She said she doesnt auction her vehicles
they just get crushed. She then ask me why I would want to get it back
its not worth that much the inside is stripped bare. I told her it has
sedimental value. She said she can keep charging as long as she wants and
file the lean when she wants to but charing doesnt stop untill the lean
is filed. Keep in mind that this towe yard is charging ten more dollars
then any other towe yard with in a hundred miles of here. They are all
the same at 20 a day for storage.She has had the van less then a month.
Is there nothing I can do? This is a scam where people have no rights.
What if any options do I have? Thank you f!
or your
time any information will be greatly appreciated.  

You answered your own question when you said: My 93 chevy van was parked in some apts next to my house for about a
year because I had no parking at my house. I know that was not the right thing to do.

Your State has laws that the tow company must follow. They usually require notice to you, a public sale for storage fees etc. I suggest you check them out. But it sounds like the charges are already more than the van is worth. There is no such thing as Sentimental Value when it comes to vehicles. Just Market Value.