Toyota Repair: 96 Celica - Starting Issues, celica sx, vacuum hoses

I have a 1996 Celica SX. In the last few weeks it has developed a problem starting, and it is getting worse. When i turn the ignition key, the starter motor turns over fine, but the engine won't fire. When the car does eventually start, it idles and runs perfectly. The problem does seem to be intermitten - sometimes it will start first time, but most of the time it doesnt. I have checked all the basic things that i can think of - plugs, leads, distributor etc. Thinking maybe fuel, or a sensor somewhere?
Any thoughts?

Could be a fuel pump problem, it may not be holding resiual pressure, you can try connecting a pressure gauge and monitor the pressure before starting it should retain some pressure overnight. You could spray some sort of starting fluid in the intake through one of the vacuum hoses and if it does the same thing then it's not the fuel pump.