Toyota Repair: 2004 Prius - VSC & Brake warning light, brake warning light, left hand corner

I got hit in a parking lot causing damage to the passenger side of the rear bumper and some superficial scratches to the quarter panel.  It took 5 weeks before I was able to get the car in for repair during which the Prius showed no errors or  other ill effects.  When the car was returned to me it had been fully reset due to the battery being disconnected for a long period of time.  After driving 5 miles the Master Warning (Triangle with !), VSC, and Brake warning lights came on, the MFD displayed "Problem" temporarily and now shows a car-shaped icon with a "!" through it in the upper left-hand corner of the MFD.  Additionally, cruise control has stopped working.

Any ideas on what is causing this?  The brakes seem to be working fine.

that car is based on completely different technology than any other car on the road.  it actually doesn't use conventional braking methods.  it uses the electronic magnets in the generator to stop the car.  it only uses brake pads at 5 mph and below.  anyways, if that light comes on, i need to know what code is in the could actually be thousands of problems.....get that code and i can better help you...