Toyota Repair: 1988 toyota 1/2 ton pickup truck, air gap, pickup coil

QUESTION: what process is there when installing a new coil pickup in the distributor,this is the third one and as it goes third times a charm,the first two it wouldn't even start,now it runs great but having trouble starting that i never had before,can you help?Is there a certain gap or anything the parts store didn't tell me?
ANSWER: There is supposed to be an air gap between the pickup coil and the reluctor, it's around 0.014".

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: That must not have been the problem,The truck runs great when you first start it up and can go forever.when I shut it off for a little while then start it again and drive away.I go about 50 yards and it stalls out,coasting in gear for about 30 sec.then it spits and sputters for a little while,chugging and takes of and runs good as long as I don't shut it off.Ive had the fuel tank pulled and flushed,new fuel filter,new pickup coil,new fuel pump(mechanical)It's like it's starving for gas,the carburetor is only 6 mo old.I didn't have this problem before i replaced the fuel pump ,the old one was bad and it didn't start stalling out for some time,I just keep replacing parts and nothing fixes the problem,please help!

Since you did not have this problem before replacing the fuel pump I assume that it ran ok before the fuel pump was replaced. If that's the case then there is some other fuel pressure or fuel delivery problem, make sure the fuel lines are attached correctly to the carb and the pump,there is one bypass line back to the tank so be sure that it's connected to the line going back, check to make sure the old fuel pump spacer was removed before installing the new spacer, if there are two spacers between the pump and the cylinder head it will cause fuel pressure loss.