Toyota Repair: Possessed 4Runner Rear Window, electronic control unit, rear hatch

My rear hatch window (97 4Runner) has developed a mind of its own. It will go down all by itself at completely random times, and then seems to only go back up when it feels like it. Sometimes it will go down while I'm driving. Sometimes it's after I get out, close the door and start walking away. And other times it will be down in the morning after being in the garage overnight.

Getting it back up can be an adventure. It may go back up immediately by using the console switch. Or, the console switch might not work but using the key in the hatch will. Most times, though, either method results in only a clicking sound from the hatch. This might last anywhere from a few minutes to several hours. In fact, I’ve found that the surest way to get it back up is to just wait a minimum of 2-3 hours and trying the console switch.

The really fun times is when the window goes down, I use the console switch to get it up, turn the key off and get out, close the door, and down it goes. Get back in, do it all again, get out, shut the door, and it goes down again. I have determined that if I just don’t close the door, the window stays up.

The other windows and electronics all work fine. Any ideas before I call an exorcist?

Since all of the parts that are involved in this system are either mechanical or electrical and are controlled by switches which are commanded by the driver I can only think of one thing that can cause this erroneous behaviour, the back door control relay, it's a solid state device, ie: a small electronic control unit(ECU) it's located under the back door inner panel, try replacing it.