Toyota Repair: Camry cranks but wont run, 1988 toyota camry, toyota camry

We have a 1988 Toyota Camry (3SFE Engine). The car cranks just fine. Battery voltage is good. The spark seems weak but it is there. There is fuel to the injectors. The coil, distributor, cap, rotor, wires and plugs are all new. We replaced the Igniter as well. The Diagnostic codes it gives are 14 and 51. I have checked two wires that go from the ECU to the Igniter (white/red) and (white) neither of these wires are shorted to ground. I am a bit stumped and short of just replacing the ECU not sure of a next step. At $1200 from Toyota replacing the ECU seems a bit risky. Any help you could give would be great.  

I assume that the fuel pressure is sufficient, if so the injectors need to be checked to see if they are working, the injector duration is directly controlled by the ECU, there are two wires to each injector, one has a constant B+ voltage, about 12 volts, the other wire is grounded by the injector to turn the injector off and on, there is a special test light to check for this, it should be available at any good autoparts place, remove the injector connector and plug in the test light, with the engine cranking the light should flash.
If it does not it doesn't mean the computer is bad, even though that could be the case, the computer may not be getting the input signals it needs to turn the injectors on.
The ECU has to receive a crank signal(rpm)
It has to see an IGF(spark signal)
It has to see an IGT(correct timing signal)
Make sure the fuel pressure is high enough, it should be at least 35psi when cranking.
The #14 dtc indicates a no IGF signal,no spark, the computer will not turn on the injectors under that condition.
The 51 code can be ignored it simply means that the a/c switch is on.
If there is anything else I can help with let me know soon I will be on vacation as of wednesday.