Toyota Repair: maintance, toyota 4runner, bg products


I own a 1996 toyota 4runner with 120K miles on it and it runs great. Everytime I bring my truck to the dealer for maintance, they also want to do the BG services( transmission flush and raditor flush)  Are BG products really worth the extra money, or I am better off going to jiffy lube?   Thanks   Jason

I can't recommend going to jiffy lube because I know how they operate.  I see no reason to do a transmission flush at every service, I recommend that it should be done when the fluid gets discolored, if you change the fluid every 15,000 miles it will not get this way and flushing it is not necessary, only in cases where there has been a long time between fluid changes does it become necessary to do the flush.
The same goes for the coolant, if it is drained and refilled at every 30,000 mile service there should be no need to completely flush it, I don't know anything about BG products but I'm sure it's the same as the rest of the stuff just a different name. Don't misunderstand,the flush machines work great, they remove all of the old fluid and replace it with new, but have it done only when necessary, I personally have seen vehicles come in our shop where the transmission fluid is literlly black from neglect, after we get done flushing the system with the machine it looks like new, so if properly done when needed it can save the customer money and transmission problems in the future, the automatic transmission's worst enemy is heat which will burn the fluid as it breaks down, if neglected, transmission failure and an expensive repair will be needed in just a matter of time. So take care of your transmission and it will last at least another 120k.