Toyota Repair: tranny swap?, clutch master cylinder, clutch assembly

You've heard from me before about my 90 n/a transmission problems. Well I'm really leaning towards getting it swapped to a 5 speed. Would this be cheaper than getting the automatic rebuild? I'd really like to put a manual in there if possible.How much trouble would the electrical work be if I did this?

It's much more trouble than it's worth to do this, not only will you have to change the transmission but also the pedal assembly, add a clutch master cylinder with all the hydraulic lines and hoses, the flywheel with a clutch assembly, the entire shifter assembly and the engine control computer, you are looking a thousands of dollars to do this, much more than the car is worth, it's just not practical,besides, major changes like this may not be legal in most of the united states because of emission control laws.