Toyota Repair: 99 Camry V6 misfiring - P1300, camry v6, smog check

I have a 99 Camry V6. First the 'Check Engine' light was on. I took it to the dealer and they told me it was the EGR valve. And they told me that it would not affect the driving, but only the smog check. So I decided not to do anything and later on I passed the smog check without any problems. But the 'Check Engine' light comes back more often and I can feel it misfires. I took it to a mechanic and he scanned it and told me it showed a ignition circuit problem. It could be a lot of things. So I decided to change the spark plugs first(and the timing belt). That did not improve anything. Finally I got a scanner from autozone. The first scan showed P1300 and P0300. And then only P1300 shows up. I was hoping that you could tell me what most likely the problem is. Thank you very much.


The code that is of main concern is the PO300 it indicates random multiple engine misfires, normally there are other codes such as PO301/PO304 etc which indicate what cylinders are misfiring, this engine does not have a distributor, it uses individual coil packs, one per two cylinders, these coil packs cause the problem, usually it is only one out of the three.
They are located under the black cover, the problem is identifying which one is causing the problem, I can't help you with that unless there are more codes that can tell me cylinders are affected, I know the P1300 is the only code showing now but the other codes will come back if there is a misfire, once the misfire is fixed all the codes can be cleared.
My recommendation at this time is to take it back to the dealer and tell them to check for a bad ignition coil, there are also service bulletins regardeing both codes, tell them to look them up it will tell them how to fix your problem.