Toyota Repair: TRAC OFF & VSC OFF lights, toyota 4runner, engine malfunction

I have a 2001 Toyota 4Runner.  It is a 4 wheel drive and it just reached 40,000 miles.  The engine light came on and so did the TRAC OFF and VSC OFF lights located in the dash board.  What does this mean?  

The on board computer has detected a malfunction in the engine control system, the engine malfunction is detected first and immediately after that the traction control and vehicle skid control are disabled, this happens anytime there is a check engine light, there is usually nothing wrong with the trac/vsc system, I recommend having the toyota dealer hook up the on board diagnostic tester to find out what caused the check engine light to turn on and then fix that problem, once this is corrected the check engine, vsc/trac lights will go off.