Toyota Repair: Rattling in 2002 Camry, camry xle, automatic transmition

Hello, I have a 2002 Camry XLE, 4 cyl engine, automatic transmition with 6000 miles on the odometer.  Lately I have been having a problem with rattling coming from the drivers side seatbelt housing pillar and the passenger side door area.  The seatbelt housing area rattle sounds like two pieces of metal rubbing together and happens when I go over rough pavement.  The passenger side door rattle sounds more like something may be loose, more like a vibrating sound.  Both rattles happen when it is cold and sunny, on rainy/humid days, everything is quiet.  My question is: How hard is it to remove the passenger side door panel and the drivers side seatbelt housing panel?  Do you know where I could get instructions on how to remove them properly?  My other alternative is to take it to the dealer, which I have in the past, just to have them say they could not replicate the sound, which wastes my day off and frustrates me.  I am also worried that once either myself or the dealer starts to open up the car, it will never go back the way it came from the factory.  Someone recommended to me to spray silicone spray up into the seatbelt and passenger door area to quiet the rattles, but I am not sure if the silicone would somehow interfere with any of the mechanical parts.  Any suggestions on how to go about solving the rattling issue?  Other than the rattles, I love my car, I just wish I could get rid of the rattles.  Thanks very much for your time.

I can't be of any more help than the dealer in this case since I am not able to even try to hear the noise, there are no chronic cases of this noise I recommend that you return to the dealer and have them check for any service bulletins that may have been issued by toyota for this condition.  
You could also request that a technician go for a test drive with you so you can demonstrate the noise, once you can do this and the technician acknowledges that there is a problem they are obligated to fix it, unless it is considered a normal noise.