Tips on Buying Cars: Lease or Finance, used, car

Good afternoon,

I'm a 60 year old bachelor, no dependents and financially secure.

I do require another automobile and am weighing the pros and cons with regard to financing or leasing.  I do not own a biz so the write off is nil.

My intention is keep my cash intact for other opportunities and sign a 36 month lease...for 12K my mileage will be less than.

I'm aware that financially a lease is typically less of a deal long term...and there in lies the rub, I have health issues and just might not be around 3 years from figure why not drive an automobile with cutting edge style, technology and safety features.

Open for suggestions...thanks alot!


Hi Ronald,

Firstly let me say I am older than you and if I was to list all my health issues for the past 10 years I cant figure how the hell I am still kicking.
With no dependents coming into play it really comes down to lifestyle preferred on your part.

If I was in your shoes with the info you provided I fully agree with keeping cash intact for other opportunities and shop with a monthly payment I would feel comfortable with be it lease where after the term I would have an option to buyout or simply return vehicle and get another.

I would consider finance also providing I don't have to secure loan with any of my personal funds, I mention this cause if you retired showing no income the lender may want security.

Summary,,, shop with a payment in mind and go for the car that you fancy the most, be it lease or finance,,, had there been dependents involved we would be looking at a different picture. If you need help shopping I will be here to make sure you don't get taken to the cleaners,,, study my website and get back to me if you get confused.
