Toyota Repair: 2000 Toyota Camry Check Engine Light, emission control systems, toyota camry

We recently had to change our battery and now the check engine light stays on. We have unplugged the battery  twice(recommended by mechanic) and checked the gas cap. It works for about a day and then the same thing. We are approx. 100 miles from the nearest Toyota dealer, is there anything else we can try and if not will it damage to car to drive it that far with the light on? We have never had any kind of problem with the car before this. Thank you for your time and attention.

Usually the check engine light is not triggered when replacing the battery so there is something else causing the light to come on, most check engine lights are related to emission control systems and don't affect driveability significantly, is there a repair shop nearer that can retreive the trouble code, if you could do that and let me know what the trouble code is I can help diagnose the problem.
I don't know where you live but if there is an Autozone store near you take it there they will help you get the code at no charge.