Toyota Repair: 1999 Toyota Camry starting problem, starter solenoid, toyota camry

I have a 1999 Toyota Camry SE(6 cycl), recently after service seems my battery was switched. The positive side cable was screwed on as tight as it will go to the post but it is still movable with little effort. It worked okay like this for a few months with an occasional click, but now all it does is click. I have no cash and need to pin point the cause, battery, starter, solenoid, battery cables or what. Thank you Ted for any help you can provide.

The first thing you need to do is to make sure that both the positive and negative battery terminals are tight,replace the terminal if necessary, it takes a lot of current to turn the starter to crank the engine over, any loose connections will cause a problem, after the terminals are tight and the battery is fully charged there is still a clicking noise from the starter,then it needs to be replaced.