Tractor Repair: john deere 2350, john deere model, tines

hi hows it going im doing ok and will be alot better if you could help me because im no ag mechanic and im stuck. my john Deere model 2350 is having hydraulic issues, i have a box scraper attached to it and it worked fine, until my brother in a moment of brainlessness tried to mow over a tree that was 6-8 inches in diameter new when i start my tractor my boxscraper immediately goes up and does not go down the tines will go up and down when i engage the handle but when i use the handle that operates the up and down motion of the scraper i get nothing, also when i turn the tractor off it takes 2 weeks for the box scraper to go back down but then i start it it goes up right away no hesitation any thoughts on this i would greatly appreciate it

Right in front of the seat on the housing is a bolt with a flat plate on it. This is your rate of drop valve unscrew it and see if your hitch goes down. If it doesn't then you are going to have to take off the rear housing flip it over and check the linkage.