Tractor Repair: 12 volt conversion on TO20 Ferguson, alternator brackets, wiring harnesses

Can I use the same directions to convert my Ferguson TO20 to 12 volts negative ground from 6 volt positive ground as you recommended to the TO 30 owner? I know it currently has a  6 volt delco distributor, generator and regulator.


  Yes, the procedure is pretty much the same no matter what tractor you have.  The only difference is how the alternator fits on different models, and some differences in how each model was originally equipped concerning the wiring harnesses.  There are kits widely available now that make it easier to mount the alternator and have everything you need in the kit to hook it up.  I had to fabricate alternator brackets and wiring years ago.  There is not as much price difference between the standard alternators and the one-wire alternators anymore.  I used to avoid the one-wire alternators because they were much more expensive, even though they were easier to hook up.
