Tractor Repair: new holland tc29d, compact diesel tractor, solenoid coils

QUESTION: I have a compact diesel tractor that won't start. Previously had a fuel leak; replaced the hose from the fuel filter bowl to the injector pump.  Battery is fully charged.  Tank has fuel.  Turns over nicely - can hear the solenoid clicking in to run the fuel pump.  Any ideas?

ANSWER: Hello,

  You will need to bleed all the air out of the system from replacing the hose.  Make sure there is a good flow of fuel from the filter to the injector pump, then loosen the injection line fittings at all the injectors and crank the engine until fuel squirts out of the lines at each injector.  Tighten the line fittings back up and it will start right up.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Will try that today. I also have a couple of friends who've told me that the fuel pump solenoid could be causing the problem.  If you can here it click when you turn the key, what are the chances the plunger isn't moving?


  If you hear it click, the plunger is definitely moving.  Although there are other relays and things that click also, so make sure you're not hearing something else.  A blown fuse is a common problem which would not allow any power to the fuel solenoid, so check all the fuses.  Fuel solenoid coils do go bad occasionally, but it's not very likely.  It's not impossible to have a governor problem either, but that's very unlikely.  I'm sure you just have air in the system from replacing the fuel hose.

         Good luck,
