Volkswagen Repair: Volkswagen Jetta Battery Removal, volkswagen jetta, battery removal

I saw the answer given to remove the 13mm bolt to release the Jetta battery.  The bolt, however, is at an angle and I can't seem to get a socket on the bolt directly.  Is there a special tool to remove the bolt?

Thanks, Dale

Hi Dale;
I usually use a long 3/8" ratchet extension, and a 13mm "woblie."  But most toolboxes don't have a set of "woblie's," so a 13mm socket, with a universal joint on the end of a long extension should work just as well.  And yes it is at a funny angle.  Also, when the battery is changed and the headlight cover is going back in remember that the hood release cable goes under the first headlight "thing," and outside the other headlight "thing."  Then the cable goes to the clips on the edge of the fender.  Good luck, Dale.  I hope this helps.