Volvo Repair: 89 240 volvo, fuel pump relay, crank sensor

QUESTION: Hi  I am a retired fireman that now owns a couple of 240's after watching these things fare well in some nasty collisions. I have an 89 240 sedan (automatic) that likes to stall and leave you stranded. When attempting to restart, acts like it wants to hit occasionally but will restart after it cools down. The in tank pump is fairly noisy as well. Not sure if I should suspect crank sensor (not sure about the yellow stripe issue either) or fuel pump. Can't the voltage be checked on the fuse panel to test the fuel pump? Any help appreciated  Thanks for your efforts  Great site!!

ANSWER: Mike, can be a number of things.  The first thing I would check is the fuel pump relay and fuse.  It may be the ignition power stage as well.  If you look at the fuel pump and it looks original then its probably on its last leg.  There are other things to check but we can go there later on.  Roger

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QUESTION: Thanks  I will make sure the fuse panel is tight, no corrosion, and new fuses for starters  How can I check the relay other than pulling it apart and looking for cracks? This never seems too reliable.How does one check the ignition power stage? Any problems to be aware of if I replace the fuel pump? Thanks Roger!!

Mike, I wish there was a test for the power stage.  Injector pulse and spark thats about it.  As far as the relay, They are dated.  If it says 89 on it, Replace it.  Fuel pump is a gamble.  One day it can work and dies the next.  If its noisy then you know its time is limited.  That may also be a pre pump issue as well.  Roger