Volvo Repair: 240 blower motor, dremel tool, brickboard

Are you familiar with the so called chainsaw method of replacing the blower motor? If so, what do you think ?
I saw this posted on brickboard and the method is to essentially cut the motor out with a dremel tool.  

Hello Paul,  No I've not heard of that per say,however on the '85 and back there is a mod. to the 'box'that holds the motor.It required grinding down the sd.)of the mount area to fit the newer motors.This may be of what they speak.A dremel is good,use a 1 in. Flat sander disc if posible,or whatever the Flat ones come.You are only removeing those 3 screw mounting "bosses".Thats the eazy part,the removal and re-assemble part is where the real fun lies.Thank you and good hunting!  PKD