Volvo Repair: non-performance, insullation, electrcity

86 240 sedan, 146,000 miles, maintained, goes dead en route, no noises, just won't go.  Has a new air mass meter, has new electrical wires because the insullation was worn away. With each repair, it runs for about 3 days and then I can't get it out of the driveway. Two very reputable repair shops, $1,600 later repairs are not making any difference. Any hope?

Hello Gwen,  One of two things is happening,one,we're looseing spark or two,fuel.The most common problem was the 'ignition control box',its on the of the car next to the washer tank. It not only control the ignition but also the fuel injectors.If you 'bump' the key(one quick turn of the key to just 'fake 'start the engine) you should hear a audible 'buzz' for 2-3 sec.,if you do,the fuel pump system is Ok,If you have spark,the 'Hall effect'switch inside the distributor is Ok.The other job of that Ign.control unit is to operate the 'fuel injectors',thus the engine runs.The 'air mass meter was due for replacement if it was over 5-8 yrs.old. If the engine won't even 'turn over' make sure the blue/yellow wire at the starter is getting current(electrcity) from the stater switch.Thank you and good hunting!   PKD