Volvo Repair: 850 ABS and Tracs OFF dash lights come on, obd ii, dash lights

Patrick - My 96 850 runs great, but after about 1/2 on the road,
the ABS and Tracs OFF warning indicators come on
spontaneously, both at the same time, and remain on until the
care is shut down.
Any idea what causes this?  If I bought an OBD-II, would it tell

Hello Pierre,  First thing,don't buy anything.Second,the 850 had ABS computer problems. Have the dealer check the codes to determine repairs.Due to the expence of the diag. software many shops don't service the ABS/TRACS systems.The systems are "Off line' when those lights are On, to prevent any suprises from ocurring.Typically this comp.update can run as much as 700.oo .Thank you and good hunting!  PKD