Driving & Driving Test Tips: space between cars

I don't know how old you are, but when I took driver's ed in high school, they always taught to leave one car length in front of you for every 10mph. So when I drive, if I'm going 60 or 70mph, I'll try to leave 6-7 car lengths in front of me, the obvious reason being to avoid rear ending the guy ahead and also. I don't know when it changed, but for many years now, I'll see people on the highway who leave maybe one two car lengths from the car in front, and they're going at least 60-80mph. Not exactly tailgating, but in a way. I think it's dangerous, but that seems to be the norm now. They especially do it when they want the car in front of them to go faster, and to me that's a form of bullying. But don't they teach anything about leaving car space between you the other cars? Or has it not changed as much as it seems to me?  Thanks

You are correct but these days the DMV manuals say leave approximately 2 seconds between you and the car in front of you.  Tailgating is a big problem but it is best to let the other guy do it and maintain your interval.  If you are being tailgated, tap your brakes to let the person know you think they are too close.  If they don't back off slow down and move out of their way and let them pass.  If you can.