Car Alarms: passive alarm keeps my engine from starting!, passive alarm, saturn ion

I have a Saturn Ion 2006.  Sometimes when I go to start my car a little lock comes on in my dash and the car will not start!!  I am told I have a passive alarm on it.  Question!  How do I disarm the thing!!  I was told I could unplug it!  The "brain" is located under the dash behind the steering wheel in a little box, I found this but which one do i unplug?  It says it is the power steering!  HELP!!  MY CAR HATES ME, BUT BELIEVE ME I HATE IT MORE!!!!!

Ah, sorry I do apologize,
but my expertise is in after
market vehicle alarm systems.

If yours is indeed a factory system,
I suggest talking to one of the
techs in my Forum about this one.

Please go to
re state this inquiry there.
I am certain my guys will be
happy to assist if possible.

I hope you find the answer/solution
to your issue.
