Driving & Driving Test Tips: Unsafe U Turn, dowm, u turn

Hi mark I was pulled over today by this cop.he first saw me when I was going down the street when he was giving someone else a ticket and after that he followed me he pulled me over because I had tinted windows so he got me on that guilty. But he made a big sceen it was 330am and I was working he made me get out the car checked me and the car and had me sitting in the back for 20 minutes he finally gave me my tint ticket and I drove off.I made a u turn not at a light though so he gets behind me again and gives me another ticket for unsafe u turn violation 21801a he told me there was a car coming but the car was at a red light about half a block down the street there was no one in the lane but the car at the red light. When I made my u turn the street was to small so I had to make a 3 point u turn and he said I made the vehicle slow dowm but when I started my u turn the light was still red and when I went In reverse the light turned green the car did not travel that fast down the street. What can I do because ha gave me 2 tickets 10 minutes apart from one another isn't that like picking on me. I didn't cause an accident or any thing help

The fact that you received two tickets from the same officer could be looked upon by the court as targeting your driving and something that you can bring up in a hearing.  the U-turn violation can be argued as you have just stated (you did not cause a hinderence) but that will have to be taken under advisement by the judge.