Driving & Driving Test Tips: Car hit in carpark, eye witness, conjecture

I had an accident recently. I was reversing my car into a parking lot. I was very sure no car was coming from behind as I checked twice before engaging the reverse gear and reversing the car. Then a car from the back turn from a bend and hit my driver's seat door. I had a BIG dent in. Whereas for the other party, she only had her right front light casing dropped off. My car was shifted a little as I'm was 2cm away from another car which was parked on my left.

I went around asking and everyone said I'm on the losing end, unable to claim their insurance as I had no eye-witness, and normally carpark accident, hit on the side, will always lose in the case.

I'm at a loss now and there will be a high possibility that the other party might claim their repair under my insurance. But that's not fair.
Please kindly advise me.

Parking lot collisions are confusing at best.  First you must know that the Vehicle code does not apply to normal driving.  Only DUI and hit and run usually apply to private property open to public use.

therefore the other driver has an obligation to be aware of vehicles backing up from a parked position as well as you having to clear traffic zas you back up.  

If the other driver hit your driver's door then she should have seen up backing up as she was proceeding forward and should have been able to stop before she hit you.

Sounds like she might have not been looking forward as she was driving, but this is only conjecture.  I think you should tell your insurance company that since you had backed out so far that your driver's door was hit, the other driver should have had sufficient time to see you backing up and stopped before colliding with your car.