Transportation and Vehicle Safety: hit and run???....not quite??, waiting my turn, odd reason

Hi, I have a dilemma and I need help! Okay, I *think* I may have been involved in a hit-and-run...I was driving home in a rainstorm recently and at night. There was roadwork going on and three lanes were merging down into two. I was waiting my turn to move over and some car slowed down to let me in. I began to move in and for SOME INTENSELY ODD REASON this person sped back up squealed ahead of me and I felt a very light bump. I was not at all sure if I had hit this person. The rain was pelting and the bright night-work lights were flashy and obnoxious. I think I saw this particular person slide off to the side of the road but I couldn't get over there because of the cluster of traffic. I had no choice but to keep rolling. When I got home I checked out my car and there is absolutely no sign that I hit anyone. No dent, no scratch, no nothing. But if I had hit the person...could I get in trouble as a hit-and-runner? If they caught my plate number and reported me could I go to prison? I'm not even sure I *did* hit anyone. I was in my new SUV and it's HUGE, I'm still not used to it, so it could have just been the kick-back of the brakes as I slammed on them. I don't know, that's the bottom line. But if I did cause any damage and if they did get my plate number am I a criminal? And what should I do? Call the police and just give them a heads-up that someone may report me? I have no proof any of this even I said, my car is in perfect condition.
What does this sound like and what should I do?
Please help!
Thank you!!

Hello Laura and welcome to AllExperts!!

Firstly, hit and run is not a felony, but a misdemeanor, and is a specific intent crime. This means you had to KNOW that you were involved in an accident and purposely failed to stop and exchange information. Given the facts, you had no purposeful intent to violate the law or victimize another driver. Just a suggestion however, it is always best to error on the side of caution and stop as soon as possible, allowing the other driver to find you.

If one is found guilty of this offense, assuming it was purposeful, jail time could be given, but is far more likely that a hefty fine and a misdemeanor would go on your record. You could get probation as well.

I would recommend you advise your local law enforcement office, asking for a report of the incident. This will show your honesty and unintentional failure to comply with the law. Having done that, I wouldn't worry about anything else.

Best of luck to you Laura!!
