Tips on Buying Cars: Could you recommend a car?, mitsubishi gallant, nissan altima

Hello, I'm 17 and i want to buy a used car that looks exactly or very similar to the rear of a Nissan Altima but i only have 8k(if i save a couple grand, get a little loan, and what i will get for my trade in value) i want a car that is a newer model (preferably higher then a 03) with a good amount of miles < 50m

i really want a Nissan Altima, but those are too expensive
so what kind of car is a Nissan Altima copycat that can fit into my budget?

maybe a Mitsubishi gallant or a Toyota Avalon?

i really want any car that has this type of looking rear

also i want to buy one after i graduate from highschool(which is two weeks), even though I'm still 17. But after i graduate i will be considered legally emancipated which means i am legally allowed to enter into contracts without my parents consent, so does that mean i can get financing from a used car dealership?

Please Tell me everything i need to know, and thank you in advance

Hi Alisha,

Great questions coming from an already educated buyer. You're correct with your statement regarding your age being a temporary obstacle. Once you turn 18 you will be legal to enter into a contract.

I would not work with a used car lot for a loan though. Normally, the used car lot will offer an in-house loan and that will cost you a fortune in interests. The used car lot will probably not report your payments to a credit bureau. This will not give you the credit you deserve.

I would recommend if at all possible, PATIENTLY WAIT, save your money and you will be able to make a purchase of a new Altima and not something that looks like your dream car.

Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.

Good luck Alisha and best wishes!
