Tips on Buying Cars: Cars Basics, auto info, google

Dear Mr Ford,

I am willing to buy a car, but I dont know anything about cars ... I dont know understand all the terms like CC, celendars , 1.6 or 2 Litres..etc. Can you help in givving me an introduction to cars..or refer to me a website that has all the basic infos and term definition that are used in cars..

Thanks a lot for your help.

Hi Jaqueline and thanks for the question.  This is a very involved question and probably impossible to answer in an email..I use for automotive questions, but I know what I am looking for normally.  I would suggest you go to one of the help locations, my choice is google, and ask for basic auto info.  This will take a while, but is worth the effort.  If you have specific questions then I will be glad to help.  Best of luck and happy motoring!Bud