Tips on Buying Cars: Co-signing, car insurance company, mother co

I am 19 and going to lease a 2005 honda accord.  My friend is going to co-sign for the car loan, but I was wondering, if we did that, is it possible for me to put my mother on as a co-owner of the car in order for me to get my car insured under her policy?  I can't have my mother co-sign for the car b/c of credit reasons and I won't be able to get a good interest rate.  However, if I have to have the insurance in my name, it will be very expensive.  Long story short:  Is it possible for someone to be a co-owner of a car if she is not the co-signer on the loan?  Is there any way that you can think of that I can use my friend as a co-signer, but get onto my mom's insurance (which I'm on with my current car)?  And do you know of an affordable car insurance company in North Carolina?  Thank you very much for your time,

The answers are: no,no and no.  Try Geico, they normally are very reasonable.  Sorry for the long time answering but I had to call friends in N Carolina to find the answers.  I am going to be going to N>C> next week on my way to Arlington, VA.  Beautiful state.  Best of luck, Bud