Tips on Buying Cars: Converting Vehichles from european specs to us specs, conversion companies, department of motor vehicles

I'm stationed in Germany and the selection of used vehichles is very limited.  Most have european specs, how would i convert to us specs, price of such a conversion, and any tips you might have.  The information on this subject is very little if not extremely confusing.

Hi Chad and thanks for the interesting and intriguiging question.  The answer is that I dont know but living in Florida I have been involved in importing vehicles from Europe in the past.  Virtually every port of entry in the USA has a service that will convert your vehicle.  I would suggest contacting the Department of Motor Vehicles in the state you are planning to enter in and asking them for a list of the APPROVED conversion companies.  If you have further specific questions I will be glad to try to help  Best of luck to you and Merry Christmas.  Bud