Tips on Buying Cars: Buying a car, chevy malibu, kindered spirit

There's no CarMax nearby, sadly. How much can I expect to get a Chevy Malibu, in good condition. Not older than 1998-99, under 100k miles. Is it wise to buy one of those?

What kind of a car would you buy? Used car, not much travelling, about 25  miles a day..

Thanks for all your help. You're truly a kindered spirit! :)

Hi Again!
O.k......If you want a chevy malibu, which is NOT too bad here is what to look for. If you can spend say $9000.00 plus your taxes, you should be able to get a 2001 with about 25,000 on it.....I would not look for one with more then 50,000 miles. I work for CarMax, and we guarentee all i told you about. If you find something you like, make sure it is from a large fairly reputable dealer. Ask for the VIN (vehicle identification number), and you can go online to (not carmax,com), and see if there were any accidents, how many owners etc. it will cost you about $15.00. please let me know what is going on, and if i can be of anymore help! Again GOOD LUCK!