Tips on Buying Cars: Deciding between Audi/BMW, audi a4 quatro, best models

QUESTION: I am deciding between BMW325ix and Audi 3.0 quatro and confused about the all wheel drive and  4 wheel drive...which is better for winter driving (and are they bad during summer?). Which of these (or other) model would you recommend with "ok" gas milage?

What should I look for in your recommended model when buying from dealers? Thanks alot for your help.

ANSWER: Morning, You have picked out two of the best models in that class. However, I am really not the one that can answer your technical question about the all wheel versus the 4 wheel. I was always confused on that one also!

Are you leasing or buying? I would suggest you go online and get the invoice on the models and offer the dealer that amount. If you have a trade research the value of it on

Check the rates with your credit union or bank, they are typically lower than a dealer.

If you want to lease let me know, I have a nationwide leasing company.

Good Luck.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Ok thank you for your help.

I found this Audi A4 quatro with 130 k (2004) for $ you think that is a good deal (will be about 15k after tax?)  OR i'm better off with the 96k one which is $15k?



Thanks again for your help.

I looked at both and they looked to be in great shape. If you can afford it I'd go for the under 100k miles. Reason is a warranty would cost you less (which I think you should get on any vehicle with those kind of miles).

Always offer less...all they can do is so no!

Good luck.