Tires: tire mounting, kia spectra, blackwall

Yesterday I purchased a pair of Douglas brand 15" tires at Walmart and had them mounted on the front of my '06 Kia Spectra. They seem fine but after I got home I was cleaning them a bit and noticed some lettering on the sidewall of the tires that says "mount this side in".. Obviously the guy who mounted the tires didn't notice or didn't think it mattered. I want the blackwall on the outside but both sides are blackwall so that's not the issue.  Do you know if it really matters which side of a new tire is mounted to the inside or should I go back and have them re-mount the tires?  I've never seen that on a tire before but I assume the manufacturer puts it there for a reason.  Thanks  Dan Burges


These are obviously asymetrical tires - meaning the tread pattern is different depending on which side is mounted out.

Does it matter?  Only if you don't care about getting the benefit of why the tire is asymetrical - and that is usually about traction or wear.  Based on what I can find, the Douglas tire that you bought is slightly asymetrical and there is a balance between wear and traction in the mix.

I'd go back and get the tires mounted properly.

Plus, you should be aware that the proper place to put new tires is on the rear.  Google this and you'll find lots of confirming statements.