Motorcycle Safety & Driveability: Looking for a bike, honda reflex scooter, honda magna

QUESTION: My wife and I both took the rider safety course.  We bought a Honda Reflex Scooter (250) and we both enjoy riding it.  We are interested in upgrading to something with a bit more pep to it, but we need a bike that will fit both of us.  We'd like a cruiser, something we could add saddle bags to for storage.  I'm 6'2" and she is 5'6".  I have a long in-seam (34-36) and her's is 32.  We don't want a bike that is too heavy or too expensive and we are also looking for good gas mileage.  We are more than happy to buy something used.

What bikes would you recommend for newer riders like us, that aren't exactly beginners either?


ANSWER: Brokk,

A price ceiling would be great to help me give you some suggestions.

- Brent

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Somewhere in the area of $2000 would be good.  We are looking for something used and we don't mind shopping around to find it for a price we can afford.

$2,000 would be tough to find something that didn't need some kind of work, but as I was thinking, maybe something like an older Yamaha Virago, Honda Magna (or Shadow).  You might also find an old Kawasaki Concours for somewhere around there, probably high miles though.