Motorcycle Safety & Driveability: 2005 sporster 1200C Lean angle, blackhawk farms, lean angles

I cannot find the Maximin lean angle for my 2006 HD 1200C
I changed the front tire to a 19" and removed the forward controls to install mid controls. I want to  avoid washing out and scratching my terrific bike and old body. I  love riding the county roads in WI even though I live in Chicago- thank yo in advance--Paul

My guess is that manufacturers don't advertise max. lean angle for a reason, and I'm sure it has to do with lawyers.

My recommendation is for you go sign up for a track day. Head out to Autobahn or Blackhawk Farms and spend a day experimenting with your cornering technique and lean angles. In pretty short order you'll find what your limit is, and with lots of practice/repetition out on the track you'll get used to it and have a pretty good idea how far over you can lean your bike.

Don't be intimidated by a track day. Even though it seems that they're meant for sport bikes, they're not, necessarily. They're for anyone who wants to explore their own limits and those of the machine. You don't have to ride superfast, and I know that Bruer's events at Blackhawk are well controlled and other riders are generally courteous around riders that are at a different skill level and a different speed.

You can also pick up and read Kent Larson's "Track Day Handbook," lots of good information there about suspension setup, exploring your limits, learning the bike, and lots of things to practice to get better. I wrote two chapters in that book!
