Trucking: driver salary, starting a car hauling buisness, transporting vehicles

hello Jim,

     I'am starting a car hauling buisness and I know that most truckers get paid per mile but in my case my drivers will be transporting vehicles can you tell me what is the avergae salary or pay scale for a car hauler ? thank you

I'm sorry but I really don't have and specific market knowledge for car haulers.  It will be different for full semi hauling vs. the goose neck pickup haulers.  A typical semi driver should make between $45,000 and $75,000 per year depending on how many hours and miles he runs.  Anything less than $45,000 is probably part time and anything over $75,000 probably involves hours of service violations.  I assume you are talking company drivers using your tractors and trailers.  Owner Operators are a completely different deal.