Truck Repair: 1985 Chevy C-10 electronic module, mechanic friend, chevy c

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Question -
Subject truck is driven around a farm an average of less than 1000 miles per year. It is difficult to start - need to crank it for several minutes and when it catches let it warm up for several minutes before it will go. Once warmed up it generally runs for the day. On occasion, once turned off it won't start again. The solution to this has been calling a friend mechanic over to change the electronic module which is not a small job. He says this has been a general problem with these C-10 trucks. We have changed fuel filters, spark plugs, distributor, wires etc. Is there a better solution to this problem? Might there be other things to look at? What to do to make it start more promptly like a regular vehicle?
Answer -
Hello JW,
That has a carburetor, and may have a heavy float.
At any rate, there are several adjustments to the choke that are very important to have correct.


So this is a fuel problem and not an electrical problem? My mechanic friend I believe has disabled the choke and removed the computer. Also the carburator was rebuilt in the late 80's. Any advice on where to find the correct adjustments to the choke? How to determine if the carburator float is too heavy?
Jim Mc

Hi JW,
In a jiffy kit for the carb, will be an instruction sheet with all the specs.
Find yours on the chart, and then make the adjustments in the order the paper says.
Drill bits of the correct size are used like feeler guages between the choke plate, and the bore of the throat.
