Removing Brake Rotors on a Jeep Grand Cherokee


  • The prerequisites for removing the rotors on a Jeep Grand Cherokee for replacement or turning:

    1. Warped rotors---if the pedal pulsates when the brakes are applied.
    2. Sufficient deep scoring on the face of the rotor---some scoring will always be visible, but deeply scored rotors should always be turned or replaced.
    3. Worn-out rotors--if the rotor is too thin according to the minimum thickness value marked on the front of all rotors, it must be replaced.

    If it is necessary to turn the rotors due to pulsations in the pedal, check the thickness of the rotor first. It is a waste of money to turn the rotors if they are too thin, simply because they will heat up much faster. The thinner they are, the faster they will warp. Every time they are turned, at least .020 of an inch is taken off. Not only that, but when they get too thin, the piston in the caliper must extend too far and the sideward pressure will cock it in its bore and it will soon lock up or leak.

Tools Needed

  • To remove the rotors on a Jeep Grand Cherokee, you will need the following basic tools:

    Floor jack
    Jack stands
    Set of ½-inch sockets
    ½-inch air gun
    Set of 3/8-inch sockets
    3/8-inch ratchet
    Common screwdriver
    Set of metric wrenches

Removing the Rotors

  • Raise and support the vehicle on jack stands. Remove the wheels. Turn the ignition key just enough to free the steering wheel lock. Place a container or pan under the brake caliper to catch lost brake fluid.

    Loosen the bleeder screw on the top of the caliper. Pry the caliper piston back into its housing by inserting the screwdriver between the brake pad metal backing plates and prying the pads away from the rotor. Remove the two bolts holding the caliper to the caliper-mounting bracket. Remove the caliper and hang it up or lay it on the spring perch. Do not let the caliper hang by the brake hose as this will tear the inside of the hose, causing the brakes to lock up.

    Remove the caliper-mounting bracket by removing the two bolts. Remove the rotor. If it does not come off easily, tap it with a hammer. Install all components in reverse order of removal. Before driving the vehicle, start it up and pump the brake pedal a couple of times to be sure the brakes are working properly.