How to Clean Dirt From Canvas Seat Covers

You can remove loose dirt, stains and even stubborn stains from your canvas seat covers. No special cleaning solution is needed. You just need a soft brush and some cold water.

Things You'll Need

  • Latex gloves
  • Car vacuum, shop vacuum or vacuum cleaner with a hose
  • Bucket
  • Soft brush
  • Drying rack (optional)
  • Vacuum the canvas seat covers with a car, shop or regular vacuum cleaner that has a hose attachment to remove any loose dust and dirt.

  • Remove the canvas seat covers from your vehicle's seats.

  • Fill a bucket with 1 gallon of cold water. Wear latex gloves to keep your hands from getting wet.

  • Lay the canvas seat covers on a clean, flat surface.

  • Use a soft brush dipped in cold water to scrub any stubborn stains. Scrub the stains gently; do not scrub vigorously.

  • Move the canvas seat covers to a dry area or lay them across a drying rack. Do not place the covers in direct sunlight.