Auto Insurance Claims: Parking Lot Accident, injured passenger

My friend and I were involved in a minor car accident the day of her graduation in our college parking lot. Both of us went to the doctor and the girl admits it was her fault since she hit us from behind. The insurance company has agreed to pay the medical bills, but should I also seek a settlement since I was a passenger in the car and had to go to the hospital?

Indeed.  If another party was responsible for your injuries, and if that person had liability insurance, then you can make a claim for payment of all the damages you can prove you sustained.  It does not matter that you were the passenger.

Additionally, it is possible that the owner of the vehicle you were riding in has some form of no-fault coverage which would also pay for your medical costs and lost wages and such. . .

I hope this helps!  Information is always free at Petty Details, LLC!