Auto Insurance Claims: Auto medical claim, uninsured motorist coverage, fault insurance

Hi I was in a wreck a year ago that involved 4 cars. There were 4 people injured not counting the at fault person. I have not retained a lawyer but the other 3 people have. The at fault insurance adjuster informed me that their is a policy limited issue and that all the other party's were ready to settle their claims. When I asked how the funds would be divided she said she when she received my records and bills that it would be up to the lawyers to decide how the funds are to be divided. I have two questions. First should I retain a lawyer at this point or is it done in a pro rata fashion ? Second, I have not completely healed from my injury should I wait to settle? My Dr. has released me but I still have pain and I am still going to PT. and have not regained full motion in my shoulder. The Dr. said it could take up to 2yr or 3yr to fully recover from the injury. I think my bills have already exceeded the amount that i will recover, so would it make a difference if I settle no or in another 6mo?
Thanks in advance.

Hi Lane,

The only problem in waiting is that the lawyers for the other injuried will ve trying to take a bigger portion of the pie. That will leave a small portion for you. If you have uninsured motorist coverage on your own policy, you may want to obtain an attorney who can help you receive a settlement from your own policy as well.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh