Auto Insurance Claims: Items stolen from truck not covered, aftermarket custom coverage theft claim

Hello, My truck was stolen 4/5/2013 and recovered 4/9/2013 the body was slightly damaged all around the vehicle (scrapes and dents) but the meat of the question is 2 headrest video monitors 2 ps3 with receipts a navigation system with receipt a tool box in the bed area was stolen that had tools in it for home improvement. no receipt for video monitors or tool box. the tourneau cover was cracked (which was locked before being stolen) the bull bar was damaged at the front of th truck. the company says they will not pay for after market items. so i guess i am at a loss? the company sent their adjuster out and sent out a 2800.oo check for damages. after taking the truck to the dealer found out there is approx 6600.00 worth in damages. i own my truck out right and have title in hand. i deposited the check what should i do? the truck is currently at a shop.

Your homeowners policy or renters, if you have either, should cover the items that are not covered by your auto policy.  

Since the estimate and dealer repair figure are different, you need to get the insurance company adjuster and the repair facility together and the insurance company will write a supplement if they missed damages or didn't estimate it correctly, so that part should be simple enough.  

In order to know exactly what is covered I would need to see the policy.  Most auto policies do cover aftermarket items so long as they are permanently installed in the vehicle, but some policies may specifically exclude certain items (like video monitors).  

So. . . homeowners or renters is the second line of defense, and as for the damage amount, simply advise the insurance company there is a supplement and that you need them to get with the shop and approve it.  If you have further questions, feel free to look us up.  Information is always free at Petty Details, LLC!
