Auto Insurance Claims: no fault pasenger ( auto claim), medical payments coverage, insurance companys

I was a no fault passenger in a car accident with my sister, the police couldnt determine whos fault it was, but i filed a claim, so both insurance companys are involved. One company wants to settle, but the other doesnt, does anyone know if only one can settle or i can get my money from just one company, and what this would be called, or do both have to confused..?

Hi Elizabeth,

You were not very clear in your questions but I will do my best.

Each state has different rules and coverage that may apply. If you live in a state that has Personal Injury Propection (PIP) than your medical bills will be paid by your sisters PIP coverage. Or if she has Medical payments coverage (MedPay) then some of your medical bills could be paid by that coverage.

If the other driver is determine to be at fault then you may be entitled to a settlement for mediacl bills, pain & suffering, etc. The settlement will be negotiated based on the extent of your injuries, lenght of treatment and prognosis for recovery.

You can only receive payment for any item only once. In other words you can collect for your medical bills from your sister policy and also from the other drivers policy.

You should speak to the adjuster at your sisters company and ask specific questions; what are you entitled to under her policy? Are you paid or are the medical providers paid directly> etc...

You should call the other persons insurance company and ask them similar questions. You just have to work through the process.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh