Auto Insurance Claims: I need this question answered clearly as possible, agreeable settlement, supplement insurance

I have a lawyer, but need to have this answer given clearly by someone who I believe can do just that. I am having problems getting payment for a supplement insurance claim for the repairs having to be done on my vehicle. I called my lawyer because my car has been in the shop for over a week! Next Wensday will be a total of two weeks! He informed me that we might have to take it to court and sue the insurance company. He said it MIGHT take up to a year. I was wondering if this is an accurate estimate of time frames and if my first claim with my attorney can be settled instead of waiting for both settlements? I'm asking  because I still have to get the repairs done on my car and might have to do this out of my own pocket, but I don't have any money at the moment!

Please, if you can, please make my day and give me much needed peace of mind by answering my question the best you know how!

Hi White,

You should request a meeting of the insurance appraiser and the body shop manager at the body shop along with yourself. This meeting should be to attempt to resolve any repair cost differences. The body shop manager should be requested to point out the additional damage that created the supplement and the associated costs. The insurance appraiser should either acknowledge the additional costs and agree to pay for them or provide an explanation why not. If the insurance company agrees to pay then you are done. If the insurance company does not agree to pay and their explaination why they will not seem reasonable then you shoud ask the body shop to negotiate with the insurance company until a mutually agreeable settlement can be reached. If this does not hapen then you will have to file suit.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh