Auto Insurance Claims: Strike fraudulent claim from record, fraudulent insurance claim, insurance fraud

QUESTION: A fraudulent insurance claim was filed on my insurance. There was no police report of the alleged incident and there is no third party verification. There is no record of this accident on my driving record, either.

The police has verified there is no accident report, and, as far as they or I are concerned, no such accident ever took place.

The claimant was able to find information about my insurance and filed claim with his insurance company, which filed it with mine. My insurance company has placed it on my record but it claims that there was no coverage, as somebody else's car was involved in the accident (that is, the car on my insurance was not involved). Insurance coverage stays with the insured vehicle in my state.

My insurance company is not willing to remove the claim from my record, and is not properly investigating the claimant, either.

As this accident did not take place (that is, I was not involved in any accident) and the car on my insurance was not involved, how can I get this claim removed from my record?

Secondly, what options do I have to sue this person for fraud?

ANSWER: Hi Mike,

In essence, this was an attempt at identity theft and insurance fraud. You should contact the policy and make a report. You should also place fraud alerts on all 3 of you credit bureau reports to prevent any further problems.

Once you have a police report of the incident, you will need to contact a claims manager or higher at your insurance company. Send them a copy of your police report. Your goal should be to either have them remove the entry from their system altogether or at least there should be an entry made that specifically indicates that this reported claim was an attemted fraudulent claim on the part of an unknown person and you had no part in either the alleged accident nor any relationship to the alleged criminal. If they agree to added note in your file, you should request a copy of the note in writing.

Either one of these would be an acceptable way of handling it.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Richard, Thanks for your response!!

So, for the fraudulent claim that was placed on my insurance, I have notified my insurance company that this is a fraudulent claim (verified by the police), and I have asked them to remove the claim from my record. They say that since the claimant has my insurance information, they can't remove the claim from my record.

What legal recourse do I have to remove this fraudulent claim from my insurance record?


Hi Mike,

You will need to contact your state insurance commissioners office and file a formal complaint. You will need to provide them with a complete description of events, a copy of your police report, any letters you've received from your insurance company as well as the other insurance company involved. Hopefully they will be able to help you get it removed.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh