Auto Insurance Claims: Auto accident settlement, traumatic brain injury, insurance settlement

I feel out of a truck in 2001 and was hospitalized for months and had a traumatic brain injury.  After i got out of the hospital I was offered a insurance settlement, the driver was drunk, and i took it.  I now suffer everyday from the accident, mentally, physically, and emotionally.  I cant keep work because all my side effects, my docs are always putting me on meds and i cant make it through a day without anxiety, dizzyness, sweats, headaches..ect.  since i cant keep work and have heavy doctor and ER bills, could I reopen the case to seek more action??  I look forward to the answer!! Thanks

Hi Skyler,

I'm sorry for your situation.

Unfortunately, if you signed a release form at the time of the settlement, there is nothing you can do. When you sign a release form you are saying that in exchange for the payment you are accepting, that you will never be able to come back for any more money and you waive your right to file a law suit. The only exception would be if you could prove that you were not in a responsible state of mind when you signed the release form. But you would need to discuss that with an attorney.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh