Auto Insurance Claims: rear ended, small claims court, drivers licence

I was rear ended, I have no insurance or drivers licence and the car is Not in my name just bought it got pink slip and reg 262, the person who hit admits to hiting me the insurance company was going to give me payment but then wanted to see the paper work to the car that showed I was the legal peer so I emailed it to them and they said I'm Not the legal owner cause its Not registered to me but I have al paper work to the car can I take the person to small claims court or what can I do?

You can sue the driver in small claims court.  That driver's insurer will assign an attorney to defened the suit.  But you will need to prove ownership in court, which may be difficult.  

I recommend registering the car now and getting a new title to prove ownership.  Go to the DMV to do this.  While this will be done after the accident, it shows your original intent and i suspect they will probably accept this as proof of ownership and handle your claim.