Auto Insurance Claims: Hit and Run on Parked Car, absolute proof, white paint

My white car was hit in a garage a few days ago.  I noticed the red car next to me had white paint on the right front bumper and I had red paint on the huge dent in the side of my car.  I took pictures of everything with my phone camera.  I left a note on the car asking the driver to call me and then went to security and parking enforcement for the parking garage to file a report and also to see if they had cameras that caught it all.  No cameras, so i cannot find out who it was.  The guy whose car I left a note on called and said it was not him for sure.  I will be going to the police this afternoon to file a hit and run for the parked car.  I would like to know what will happen if I call my insurance company and file a claim?  Will this mean that my insurance rates will rise?  They are already VERY high due to a couple prior accidents and a driver's license suspension (which is a mistake but I have yet to clear it off my record, am working on it).  What are the chances that the insurance will fix the car and not charge me for it by raising my rates or even possibly not insuring me anymore?  I am very concerned.  Thank you so so much!

Hi Noa,

Each insurance company has their own criteria on how they handle things. In most cases unless there is absolute proof that someone else caused the damage it will be considered an at-fault event. The white paint transfer is not proof that someone else caused the damage since this could have been done by you hitting a pole or another car.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh