Auto Insurance Claims: Car Theft, Arkansas forensic auto theft expert, Alabama forensic auto theft expert

Hello. My car was stolen in the beginning of September of this year. I have a pending fraud charge and money laundering (I think). GEICO has been investigating the claim since Sept. and when I called them they accused me of having a grand theft auto charge (which I do not have). I filed a complaint with Department of Financial Services and now they want me to come in for a EUO.
They are asking for phone records, tax returns, court cases for the last 10 years, names of people who can verify my whereabouts and all police incidents or accidents made by me or family, all insurance carrieres, photographs, names and addresses of persons who have knowledge of the theft, my last employers for the last 5 years...
Am i required to give them all this information? If do not comply will that give them enough to deny my claim?

How long can they investigate for?  They have practically convicted me of stealing my own car all because of my pending case.


You need to contact me as soon as possible, preferably today and we can discuss-866-490-1673

From your questions about your situation, I woul have thought that you would have made an expedient attempt to contact me, yet I have not heard from you.
The firm is extremely busy, however on potential criminal matters, they take priority.
Please feel free to attempt to even contact us even over the weekend, because your situation sounds very serious.